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Flashback Friday│Brian & Rachel's Wedding!!

Hello, there!!

I wanted to try something a little different and share with you all a special moment that happened almost a month ago. Consider this a flashback Friday of sorts.

Back when I was a freshman at the University of Delaware, little did I realize that I would not have to look very far to make my first college friend. She was assigned the very room right across the hall from my dorm room. This spectacular lady's name was Rachel Reeves.

It crazy to know that six years ago, on move-in day, was the start of a friendship that still is strong to this day!! It seems just like yesterday that Rachel came into my dorm room and introduced herself to me. She had mentioned that she didn't have a roommate at the time and that I was welcome to come over and talk anytime.

When our dorm went out to dinner at the nearby dining hall, I took Rachel up on her offer and talked with her. The rest was pretty much history!!

I am delighted to announce that on October 29th, 2016, my friend Rachel got married to the love of her life, Brian!! And did I mention that it was the first wedding that I have been to? To think that the first wedding I attended was that of the first friend I made in college!! I am so happy that they invited me to witness their union of love and included me in their special day.

Might I add that the wedding reception was the first time in a long time that I have had some fun!! I had a really great time and danced the whole night away!! I also think that I burned some calories because I eventually was sweating.

I'm extremely happy for Rachel and Brian and wish them both an eternity of love and happiness!!

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