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Getting Back into the Swing of Things...

Hey there!

As I mentioned before, fashion illustration and sketching is what I love to do. I have been illustrating seriously since my last year of high school, so I have been doing this so quite some time. Also, since I went to school for my bachelors degree in apparel design, and that is when I started to seriously sew clothing (that home economics class back in middle school doesn't count lol).

However, since I graduated and received my bachelors degree almost two years ago, I had become busy with grad school and had no time to work on my craft whatsoever. I had stopped sewing and sketching, as I could not make time for what I loved to do, and the longer I was away from it, the less inspired and motivated I was to get back into it.

Luckily, I did have a summer job last year at one of The Handwork Studio's summer camps here in Delaware. I had the opportunity to be a lead counselor for the sewing camp and taught children how to sew using Simplicity Patterns. It was a great experience that did allow me to re-familiarize myself with using patterns and using a sewing machine again.

Now that I am finishing up grad school and am only taking one class, I decided that I can no longer allow an excuse not to make time to work on my craft. What better time to change than the present? And as I am applying to jobs and submitting my portfolio, I need to show designers more recent than what I made almost two years ago. As an aspiring fashion looking for eomployment, it is important to keep an updated portfolio that shows that I am still using and improving my designing skills.

Today, I put in the time to create a fashion illustration of a simple design (baby steps, y'all, baby steps). I wanted to ease myself back into illustrating so that I can compare to my old illustrations to see if my skills are still up to par. Overall, I think it is okay; I know that I can do a lot better. I am keeping in mind that this illustration is different from all of my other ones—I used markers this time instead of colored pencils. I do plan to do a review on the markers I used in the near future after I become more comfortable using them, so keep on the lookout for a post on that.

Here's the illustration!! And please leave a comment below and tell me what you think!! Thanks!!

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